
Which Foods Must Eat and Which does not Eat During menstruation

Which Foods Must Eat and Which does not Eat During menstruation

 Consume 7 of these foods during menstruation

Menstrual periods can ruin your day. From cramps, weakness, headaches, to changing moods, you can mess up your daily routine. To reduce these complications, choosing the right intake during menstruation is very important.

Green Vegetables
During menstruation, iron in your body will decrease. To replace it, iron-rich green vegetables such as spinach, mustard greens and kale are very suitable for consumption. In addition, these vegetables can overcome the feeling of weakness and headaches.

Sometimes your appetite will be excessive when menstruating. In order not to gain excess intake, try multiplying the consumption of nuts. Tofu, peanuts, and beans are believed to regulate your hunger.

The prostaglandin hormone in the body will cause muscle pain when it comes to the moon. Therefore, your body needs foods that contain Omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon is the most suitable food to prevent prostaglandins from reacting to your body.

Discomfort when you are ‘heavy’ due to lack of consumption of foods containing manganese. Basically all kinds of fruits store manganese substances. However, pineapple is a fruit that has the highest manganese content. Besides pineapple can also relieve stomach cramps.

As we know, wheat is a high-fiber food and is very good for supplementing the diet menu. It turns out that wheat is also useful when you come for months. Magnesium, high vitamin B complex and vitamin E help restore the fatigue and bad mood you experience.

Raw Chili
Maybe sometimes you think spicy foods can add pain during menstruation. Conversely, chili can actually avoid flatulence that may be suffered. Cayenne pepper, in particular, can promote blood circulation in your body. But don’t consume too much chili, huh.

Your yogurt will need more calcium during menstruation. Milk alone is not enough to meet your calcium needs. For this reason, yogurt is a complementary meal that can multiply the body’s calcium.

Avoid These 6 Foods & Drinks During Menstruation

Many physical changes and psychological conditions that occur when a woman experiences menstruation. Apparently, the food and drinks consumed by women who are experiencing menstruation also affect their health. So what the heck food and beverages should not be consumed while menstruating woman?

1. Caffeine

Yup , try to avoid drinks that have high levels of caffeine when you are on your period because caffeine can cause constriction of blood vessels and dehydration. Now do not be surprised why you often get headaches and anxiety during menstruation after consuming coffee.

2. Fried

Although it is tasty and difficult to resist, unfortunately fried foods are unhealthy foods. This is because fried foods contain lots of fat and oil which can increase the hormone estrogen which will cause cramps and pain in the abdomen.

3. Junk Food

Fast food or junk food contains a lot of trans fat. This fat will increase the hormone estrogen which can trigger pain in the uterus such as cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. Uhmm …

4. Sugar

Apparently, eating foods high in sugar will make blood sugar levels increase dramatically, making you easily emotional and lethargic during menstruation. Do you not want your “suffering” to increase just because you have just consumed five glassed cronuts ?

5. Canned Food

Did you know that canned foods contain high levels of sodium? Surprisingly, excessive sodium consumption can actually affect the storage of water in the body, making the body feel swollen. Oh no !

6. Baked Food

Grilled beef or grilled chicken is definitely good to enjoy as a main course. But wait! Foods that are processed by roasting it can cause pain (cramps) the excess , you know . Baked foods contain many fatty acids that will boost estrogen levels. This is also one of the causes of menstrual cramps.

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