20 Benefits of dragon fruit for body health and beauty

20 Benefits of dragon fruit for body health and beauty

The physical properties of the fruit are also unique, from the skin to the flesh. Some may be familiar with the appearance of dragon fruit with red skin, but there are also dragon fruit with yellow skin and indeed almost the same glance with pineapple. The inside also has purple and some are white. The appearance of the inside of the fruit is almost the same as the kiwi, ie there are small black seeds that can also be eaten.

This dragon fruit is native to Central America, but also developed and exported from several Southeast Asian countries, such as Thailand and Vietnam. Hylocereus undatus, the Latin language of dragon fruit, is a fruit with low calories but offers a lot of nutrients including vitamins B and C, phosphorus, protein, calcium, fiber, captin, and antioxidants.

Some people think that dragon fruit with white and red meat is different, but actually both are nutritious for the body. This fruit is safe for consumption by anyone, even for pregnant women .

How to consume dragon fruit is very easy, you can divide the dragon fruit into two parts, then dredge the contents and eat. You can also use a blender to make dragon fruit juice.

We will learn more about the benefits of dragon fruit.

 Benefits of dragon fruit:

1. Helps reduce weightbody

Filling the stomach with fiber-rich and low-calorie foods, this dragon fruit will keep your stomach feeling full without fear of gaining weight. In addition, dragon fruit will also make digestion more smooth because it contains a lot of water.

2. Healthy snacks for those of you who are dieting

As with the first point, for those of you who are dieting both to lose weight and to maintain your ideal weight, it’s not wrong if you take advantage of the benefits of dragon fruit for your diet. Consuming dragon fruit regularly will keep your stomach feeling full without fear that your body will stretch.

3. Helps the detoxification process

As a source of antioxidants, dragon fruit can reduce free radicals in the body so that the detoxification process (spending toxins in the body) will run smoothly.

4. Can prevent cancer

Just like other red fruits, dragon fruit contains lycopene. Lycopene, which is responsible for providing red color to dragon fruit, has been shown to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

Not only lycopene, dragon fruit is also rich in hytoalbumin antioxidants which help the formation of carcinogenic free radicals in the body. This fruit is also rich in fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins C and B2, and that helps remove metal toxins from the body, some of which can cause cancer.

5. Can prevent diabetes

Its antioxidant properties also function to prevent the occurrence of diabetes mellitus because it can kill bad cells that are usually produced by unhealthy patterns of life and eating patterns. Dragon fruit is also safe for diabetics because of the very small sugar content.

6. Can prevent high blood pressure and heart attacks

Lycopene, in addition to functioning as a cancer prevention also functions as a blood pressure lowerer and prevents heart disease such as sudden heart attacks because seeds from dragon fruit are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fats which can help relieve cardiovascular disorders.

7. Improve the immune system

The benefits of dragon fruit for the immune system is a side effect of dragon fruit which contains many nutrients and nutrients. In addition, by diligently consuming dragon fruit, the healing process of both external wounds and external wounds will be faster too.

8. Increase appetite

Vitamins B1 and B2 in dragon fruit will increase appetite if you regularly consume dragon fruit, especially for children who usually have difficulty eating. It is contrary to the benefits of dragon fruit for a diet, but for those of you who are on a diet, enough to replace daily food with dragon fruit which is also filling without fear of stretchy body.

9. Helps digestive problems

To cleanse your digestion, eat dragon fruit. High fiber or fiber content can help digestion and treat constipation or constipation . By eating the meat which also contains good protein, it can make your body healthy and fresh.

10. Delay premature aging

The benefits of dragon fruit for beauty is to slow down aging. This is because antioxidants will keep the skin tight and regenerate well.

11. Helps relieve cough and asthma

Seeds from dragon fruit are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fats which can help relieve respiratory disorders so that those of you who suffer from asthma or are coughing do not stop, it will be slightly cured. But it also cannot be said that dragon fruit is a drug from asthma.

12. Helps growth and bone health and blood circulation

Calcium in dragon fruit will maintain the health of your bones and teeth . And also iron and phosphorus will help blood circulation and help repair damaged tissue in the body.

Benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women:

1. Maintain stable blood pressure and blood sugar

Consuming dragon fruit is able to maintain the stability of blood pressure and blood sugar in pregnant women so that they can avoid complications of pregnancy . Because high blood pressure and blood sugar during pregnancy can cause pregnant women to experience preeclampsia which endangers the safety of pregnant women and their fetuses.

2. Able to prevent and overcome lack of blood (anemia)

Dragon fruit can also prevent and overcome lack of blood or anemia. By consuming dragon fruit, can prevent anemia, because dragon fruit is rich in iron as the main constituent of red blood cells.

3. Able to enhance immunity (immune system)

Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, which functions to increase immunity or endurance. By consuming dragon fruit it can prevent attacks from various diseases.

4. Add strength and strength

Pregnant women need more energy in carrying out their daily activities. Because they have to share nutrition with the fetus they contain. Dragon fruit is very useful for pregnant women because, in 100 grams of dragon fruit contains about 9-14 grams of carbohydrates which serves as a natural energy supplement. Pregnant women who consume dragon fruit will get additional energy and strength.

5. Prevent miscarriages and premature births

The content of folic acid found in dragon fruit serves to strengthen the fetus, and prevent miscarriage and premature birth.

6. Strengthens bones and teeth

The content of minerals is also found in dragon fruit, namely: calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus which are useful for strengthening bones and teeth. Consuming this fruit makes pregnant women and the fetus they contain will have strong bones and prevent bone loss.

7. Improve digestion

The benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women are able to improve digestion. Pregnant women easily experience constipation or difficulty defecating, due to hormonal influences and fetal pressure in the stomach. Dragon fruit is a fruit that is rich in fiber which functions to facilitate digestion and maintain intestinal health.

8. Helps the development and growth of the fetus

The benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women who are also very important is to help the development of the fetus. So that the baby can be born with a normal and healthy condition.

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